A tessellation of a flat surface is the tiling of a plane using one or more geometric shapes, called tiles, with no overlaps and no gaps. In mathematics, tessellations can be generalized to higher dimensions and a variety of geometries. An example of geometric is an art piece made from rectangles, squares and circles.

Mix Matching

Building something unique and fun with different shapes creates a mix matched design. This design used five different sized tiles. Can you spot all five?


Triangles are three sided shapes. These shapes can be used to create irregular designs. Do you see any repeating colors touching?


To create the illusion of depth, try using diamond shapes. As seen above, this design creates a boxing shadow effect that looks like a 3D image.

Creating Images

While using geometric shapes to build a floor at home, try creating a pattern that looks a little familiar . Often seen in geometric shapes, or tessellation, are flowers and clovers.


One of our favorite ways to use polygons.

Bathroom Tiling

If you’re interested in introducing tessellation to your home, but are a little wary of the bold design, try using it in your bathroom. Often enough a bathroom can be a tough task for home improvement. However, it can be made easy with a solid tile flooring. Easy to lay out in a small place like a bathroom. Try finding some inspiration for your bathroom with geometric shapes!

History on Tessellation

Tessellations were used by the Sumerians (about 4000 BC) in building wall decorations formed by patterns of clay tiles. A temple mosaic from the ancient Sumerian city of Uruk IV (3400–3100 BC), showing a tessellation pattern in colored tiles.

If you are interested in taking on a fun and exciting new design for your home, try our suggestion of tessellation designs. For a consultation, visit us in Orange, CT.